Major Changes

I am sure many regular visitors and memembers have noticed a lot of major changes. All reviews and profiles have been removed from Superheroine Erotica. These changes are unfortunate requirements at this time due to laws about adult content from many states.

Many states in the United States have passed age verification laws for all websites with adult content. These laws require adult websites to verify their visitor’s ages with IDs or other acceptable means. They affect all content creators, affiliates, reviewers, and studios with websites of adult content. Superheroine Erotica is also affected by these laws.

Therefore, I have removed all of the mature content from Superheroine Erotica at this time. This decision was not a difficult decision. I want to avoid any legal issues. This website is a private hobby for entertainment.

Furthermore, these laws have different consequences. I will breakdown the affects of these laws. Some bills are currently in the process in some states.


Texas passed HB 1181 in 2023. The bill requires all adult websites to verify their user’s ages with ID or a reasonable method. The state will fine any adult $10,000 per day in violation. An additional fine of $250,000 can be placed against the webmaster or company.

This law and other similar to it in states such as Utah put privacy at risk. Adult companies would be required to record your personal information. They would have a copy of your ID and image. 

Therefore, this puts a target on the adult sites. Every website is attacked by hackers every day. Most attempts fail because strong security protects websites. It only takes one successful hack to steal your personal information.

How Did This Happen?

Adult sites with stolen content such as Pornhub, tube sites, and pirate sites provide access to pornography without a paywall. Visitors did not need to confirm their age or pay for content. Many videos were stolen from creators, and all visitors are given access to the videos and photos.

The lack of verification of visitor’s ages on sites with stolen content led to this laws. Lawmakers in many sites want to prevent anyone below the age of 18 or 21 in some states to view adult content. Their reaction is creating laws for age verification.

I agree minors should not have access to adult content. Pornography is only for adults. The industry should have took strong action against Pornhub, all tub sites, and pirate sites. The wrongful acceptance of Pornhub and some studios wrongfully accepting pirate sites as affiliate hurt all creators, proper affiliates like myself, and studios.

What can you do?

The best thing to do is always vote for people who actually hold your values and interest at heart. Republicans are introducing these bills and bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans are passing these bills in many sites. These current politicians are passing bills with bad language and the worst method for verification.

I encourage supporting a reasonable bill for webmasters. Some critics suggest devices or other means of verification instead of your ID. The suggestion is the safest method for adult users.

The Future:

Superheroine Erotica will move forward with these changes for the foreseeable future. All new content on the site will be PG-13 to Rated R. Most of future posts will be announcements of PG-13 content from Ultraheroix and similar studios.

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